Prices and Booking


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We’re looking forward to welcome you on one of our cruises in 2024.

As always we’ll start our season at end-April / early-May with cruises towards the Shiant Islands.

Not only are the Shiant Islands an amazing place to visit for the views, but from mid-April till mid-August this location is one of the most important nesting sites for many birds that visit our area during the summer. During a visit you’ll see over thousands of birds including Guillemots, Razorbills, Puffins, Kittewakes and Fulmars. Chances on seeing the great White-tailed Eagle are also very high! The Shiant Islands also houses Grey and Common Seals.

From mid-May onwards we’ll be running more cruises focussed on Whales and Dolphins as their numbers increase in the waters of the North Minch.

As we cruise the waters looking for wildlife, we have a chance to see Harbour Porpoises, Common Dolphins and Minke Whales. If we’re really lucky, we might even see other species as well, like Risso’s Dolphins, White-Beaked Dolphins, Humpback Whales, Fin Whales and Killer Whales, … and maybe even a Basking Shark or Sunfish.

2024 Prices

Child (minimum 4yrs up to 12yrs)
Shiant Islands  (3+ Hours)    (START of SEASON ONLY) £ 75 £ 60
Whales & Wildlife  (2,5 Hours) £ 65 £ 50
Ultimate ‘Orca 1’  (4 Hours) £ 100 £ 80
Flexible Minch  (3+ Hours)    (AUTUMN ONLY) £ 75 £ 60

Main Season – Mid-May until Mid-September

From mid-May until mid-September we’ll be running both our 2.5 h ‘Whales & Wildlife’ cruises and our 4h ‘Ultimate Orca 1’ cruises on daily basis* on different moments of the day. So hopefully everybody can find their perfect moment. (*weather permitting)

During the summer months, the ‘Ultimate Orca 1’ cruise departs either early in the morning or late afternoon to take advantage of usually more favourable sea conditions in the morning/evening as we search much more open water areas and it is still daylight this far north.

Cruise times vary due to demand and weather conditions!

Generally, the morning cruise departs at 0900/1000 hrs and the afternoon cruise departs between 1300/1500 hrs depending on the duration of the morning cruises.

We do recommend booking a morning or late afternoon/evening cruise if you can, as we often encounter the worst sea conditions in the early afternoons! Still, weather conditions cannot be foretold and sightings can be seen during the entire day.

To see full details of our schedules and availability, please go to our online booking system.

Low Season – mid-April until mid-May

We start our season with our 3h ‘Shiant Islands’ Cruises where we head straight to the Shiant Islands to see the 250.000 Atlantic Puffins, Razorbills, Guillemots, …
The Shiant Islands are also the home of 500 Grey and Common Seals and where Golden and White-tailed Eagles roam the sky.

Low Season – mid-September until October

September and October are still amazing months for good sightings, with chances on some more unique individuals re-visiting the area.
Unfortunately the weather can be more challenging and customer numbers are lower. So too ensure we are able to get out as much as possible and as far as needed, we implemented the Flexible Minch cruise. This cruise is initially a 3h cruise to start off with, but if certain animals need some longer travelling, this cruise will be extended after discussion (with extra cost).


Our online booking system is open. Click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ at the top of this page to go into our booking system.
Bookings via phone/ email/ in person will only be possible after we’ve opened our office when we start running our cruises.

Booking can be done …

Use our online booking system.

– By Telephone (MAY – SEPTEMBER)
Call : 01445 712 458

At our Gairloch Harbour Booking Office – where to find us.

Our cruises are very popular and advanced booking is recommended, particularly during the summer months.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch. We will be delighted to discuss your requirements and advise on the availability of our cruises.

You might also like to look at our advice and information page, which answers some frequently-asked questions.


Bad weather occasionally forces us to shorten or even cancel some cruises. If you have booked a cruise which is cancelled or curtailed because of adverse conditions then we will make every effort to offer you an alternative or refund your payment.

We require a minimum number of passengers on our boats for our longer cruises. On our 2.5h and 3h cruises we must have at least eight passengers, on our 4h cruise we aim for at least ten passengers. If there are insufficient passenger numbers on your preferred cruise then we will make every effort to find you a suitable alternative or refund your payment.

Please read our full “Booking Terms and Conditions before booking.